BES sporting teams - formerly BML - provide a high standard of competitive play whilst providing members with an opportunity to immerse themselves in a strong team which is a perfect outlet alongside academia. Both the Netball and Football teams are inclusive, supporting the BES' ethos with players from all backgrounds.
The 11-aside Mens Football team compete at Riverside Sports Complex every Wednesday, whilst the 7-aside Ladies Netball team compete at David Ross Sports Village on the indoor courts.
The past year has shown major positive developments in the sports we play, with both the Football and Netball teams achieving status in the top IMS division. Furthermore, off the field team bonding for BES is never segregated, we have held multiple mixed team socials resulting in increased energy and unrivalled team spirit which has been phenomenal. Overall, BML is a must-play-for team and we are excited to see further growth of the team.
Dom Boothman
Word's from the Sport Secretary
It is an honour to be acting as sports secretary for the BML society this year after the amazing job Max Baugh did previously. Even during this unprecedented time, we aim to build on the success of both the netball and football teams as much as possible. I would like to firstly thank Ryan Baker and Cian Delahunty- who has been working with me throughout the summer to put the plans in place for when term restarts.
Luckily, IMS football and netball have been given the green light to return (at this moment in time). I want to give the opportunity to represent BML sports to as many people as possible. Therefore, we will be introducing a new 7 a side football team to play every Sunday. As well as this, I also want to organise away days to both Manchester and Sheffield universities to compete against their business sports teams (depending on corona). Last year, due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to cancel our tour to Croatia so will be looking to reorganise that for towards the end of the year to give us a chance to compete globally against international universities as well.
Feel free to follow the “uonbmlsports” Instagram page for all the latest updates. I am really looking to the year ahead and seeing what memories we can make as a team.